Time Effect


Oil on canvas, 101 cm x 121 cm. From a series on the Red Centre in Australia. Please contact me on art@marceldesbiens.com for a calculated shipping cost.

This painting is painted in multi layers with a linseed oil medium, varnished and framed with a strong timber molding. It can be sold without the frame at $8,500.

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I have been twice to this magnificent location situated in the red centre of the Australian continent. This is my favorite landscape to walk in as I feel free to wander in every direction with ease. I always collect objects I could use in my compositions. In the case of this painting, I felt the nature around me as a rocky experience. I decided to paint this small rock much bigger and make it a feature in my composition. I made my way at this spot very early in the morning to catch the first lights of the sun on the hills, the magic golden hour!

Lone gum tree in the mist
Improvisation on a landscape
Cattle in the mist
A soft touch in the light
Walking in the garden